Welcome to Saka's Lion King Malazi, your source for
everything Lion King! Use the links on your left to reach the various
areas of this site.
- The Media section contains various archives of material from
the movies, including images, video, sounds, and song lyrics.
- The Story section provides information on both
Lion King movies and information on upcoming movies and TV shows. Also
includes character descriptions.
- The News section keeps a good account of updates to this website
and new events and rumors about The Lion King.
- The LK Fandom button will lead you to other Lion King fanatics.
Features include live TLK Chat and links to various MUDs, MUCKs, and more.
- The Goodies section basically has everything else, from Desktop
Themes and WinAmp® skins to Quizzes and Games.

Also visit these other great Lion King sites:

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Awards Gallery:
