MUDs, MUCKs, and Role Playing
As a result of the very original setting and plot of The Lion
King, it seems only natural that the fandom would have its own
role playing systems. There are several text-based role playing systems
A Few Tips:
If you've never used a MUCK before, here are a few tidbits of helpful
- Don't worry if you can't see the text as you type a command,
this is common.
- Before interacting with others in the world, you usually have to
log in. If you don't already have a character in the world, then try
connect guest guest
to log in as "guest" with password
- To do something, type a command and press ENTER (or RETURN).
ei.-if you wanted to look around the room you are in, you
would type look and press ENTER.
Some other common commands:
look - describes where you are and what is around
look (thing/place) - this lets you examine something
inventory - tells you what items you have
go / move (direction) - lets your character go a certain direction
say (message) - let's you talk to others
whisper (person) = (message) - talk privately to (person)
wizzes - tells what administrators are logged in
- If you get stuck, try typing help. This will usually give
you a list of commands and a brief description.